Full Name
Seth Kahan
Job Title
Grand Challenge Lead
Stop Stigma Together
Speaker Bio
Seth Kahan has designed and led 5 Grand Challenges, with Stop Stigma Together being by far the most far reaching. Our mission is to eliminate the stigma around mental health and substance use disorders on a national scale. We do this by attacking 3 dimensions: structural (laws and policies), social (how people interact), and individual (inside our internal dialog). Our public facing campaign, Love Your Mind, in cooperation with the Ad Council can be found online at loveyourmindtoday.org. Please consider joining our community, which can be found on the web at SST.community. We are proud partners of The Kennedy Forum working together on policy that will defeat stigma. If you would like to see stigma come to an end, please talk to Seth at the conference and introduce yourself! seth@visionaryleadership.com
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